Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wooly Flowers

Yesterday I read a tutorial on a blog called Craftaholics Anonymous on how to make a flower using a sweater. Since I have a ton of wool sweaters collected for future projects, I went to my stash and pulled out a striped one that I thought would work well for this. While watching TV, I stitched up three of them very quickly. I might still add a button to the centers to see if I like it or not. Anyway - it was a fun little project and adds a lot of zing to my blouse!

1 comment:

  1. Gayle,
    You did a fabulous job on your sweater flowers!! Love the stripes. They look gorgeous on your shirt!
    Happy crafting!
    PS and you're famous! I scrolled down and saw you were on tv. how cool!


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