Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I know I'm not alone in blogland, inasmuch as I have a love affair with buttons! One of my favorite yard sale finds a few years ago, was a tin full of buttons - the best part was that there was a big fat needle in the tin that was strung with heavy thread and buttons - I could just imagine a small child being entertained at Grandma's house by making a button string! So cute! I have quite a few buttons of my own and most of them are color sorted and stored in these little jars I found at the thrift store once. I love to look at them! Others are still attached to the cards they came on and are placed in an old pickle jar.

Yesterday I was visiting a lady in my neighborhood when I noticed this old trunk that she had full of buttons - like a pirate's treasure chest for button lovers! She said her grandchildren love to run their hands through the pile - sometimes they'll sort them by color - or size - or by sparkle - she had lots of novelty buttons included that the kids especially loved to play with. I wish I'd taken a close-up shot of them so you could see the huge variety better. How do you have your button collection displayed?

I bought this book last week that has a zillion different projects and they all use buttons! Fun stuff. The author has an interesting blog - she's really into buttons!


  1. Yippee! More fun things from the thrift store? Yippee! I really do appreciate that adorable stitchery you brought over I LOVE it. I remember playing with my grandma's buttons too. You've got a great collection. Mimi

  2. Oh how I would love to have that trunk full of buttons! My grandma had an old round short bread cookie tin full of buttons that we used to play with. I have all my old buttons in old jars with zink lids on them.
    I love your jars full of buttons. Fun post.♥ Mercy

  3. I can't wait to see what you create with your buttons. Its true though - a pile of buttons is addictive.

  4. Oh that trunk must be so much fun! I love buttons too! I am saving them for my grands to play with some day.

    That book looks like fun!!

  5. That is such a fun all the old buttons can't wait to see what you do with them.
    Linda -

  6. Gosh that looks like my trunk. Love the little jars of buttons.

  7. Thanks for being my follower Gayle!...I have added you to mine...Buttons you say!? Thats funny, I love buttons too..last summer my hubby and I were at a yardsale (gotta love those!)..and I snatched up a large (old) muslin bag full of buttons, I am guessing there was at least 5lbs in there! Couldn't wait to get it home and see what was in there! I have a really big "Improved Gem" jar full too, also found at a yard sale :-)

    Valeda aka...NikNak-PaddyWhack

  8. This looks like a very fun book. I just might have to check it out ;)
    I just love buttons don't you. If they could only tell their story ;)


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