Saturday, October 3, 2009

Big Sky Country

Earlier this week I was lucky enough to visit my friend Jean in Montana. Although we have been friends for about 8 years, this was our first time to meet face to face. We became acquainted when we were both members of an online message board (Primitive & Rustic on Delphi) because it seemed like we had a lot in common with our children & crafting & decorating interests. During those 8 years she moved from Alaska, to Georgia, to Maryland, and we kept in touch the whole time. She & her husband have finally settled down in Montana and I decided with only a 5-1/2 hour drive separating us it was time to visit. She was gracious enough to extend an invitation so I took her up on it, and I'm so glad that I did. I felt very comfortable and at ease with her the 4 days I was there, and her hubby David is so nice too! He's a gourmet cook and spoiled me with some delicious meals - I envy Jean being able to eat his cooking on a regular basis! LOL

Jean's main crafting focus is doll making - which she excels at - but I'm going to show you the two hooked rugs she made a few years ago - all self-taught and wonderful - I love that she actually uses them on the floor - they look old and worn. This rabbit rug was made from a kit:

And she designed this star rug herself:

She has a large collection of vintage quilts that are displayed beautifully throughout her wonderful home so I snapped a few pictures of them to share here:

We spent one whole day shopping antique stores, then spent a day crafting. I showed her how to dismantle the wool clothing she bought for hooked rugs, and she taught me how to use paper clay, and helped me make a doll. I'll share pictures of my projects when I get them totally finished. Till then, you'll enjoy touring Jean's entire home in her Webshots photo album. I'm in awe of her decorating talents - she knows exactly what she likes and how to make it happen. Her home has a soothing flow to it because everything goes together - unlike mine that seems so chopped up - sigh! I want to be just like her when I 'grow up'! LOL


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful time!

  2. That is so wonderful you finally got to meet Gayle! I am off to check our her webshots now!

  3. Gayle ~
    What fun to come face to face with someone you've "known" for eight years ;-)
    She did a great job on her rugs.
    I love her Red Wing crocks and collection of rolling pins.
    I'm looking forward to seeing your clay creation.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Pug hugs :)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!