Thursday, August 20, 2009

New Rug Project

I know I'm not the only rug hooker who flits from one project to the next! Last time I shared pictures of the stair rugs I was working on. Then I went to Portugal, and when I got home I decided to make a memory rug and I set the stair rugs aside for awhile. The people we stayed with own about 30 horses so I'm hooking a horse rug - and in the corners I will add a detail of a cobblestone street corner that I saw and loved. There are about 6-7 different dark green wools used in the background on this - I like that there are so many different textures and shades - and I added some movement by hooking swirls and curves. I've far exceeded the minimum hooking time for the 10-minute challenge in the last three days.


  1. You're off to a great start! And I learned something from looking at this one.
    When I do punchneedle, I always start from the middle sections and go outward and you are doing it just the opposite! LOL! I could have sworn that I read that in the instructions. I thought they were similarly done, only rug hooking being on a larger scale. I guess rug hooking is different afterall!
    I can't wait to see it finished!

  2. Can't wait to see more of your horse rug, Gayle! Looks like you're off and running on it.


  3. I have quilters ADD, and you just may have Hookers ADD. I hear it's catching.

  4. I like the horse rug idea! A little different than your usual theme.

  5. Hey Gayle! Yes, I made those sheep out of paper pulp and baked them until dry. Then I antiqued them and added the face with black paint. I didn't use a pattern or anything, I just shaped them by hand the way I thought they should look. And the surface is really bumpy like a sheep's wool. LOL!
    Thanks for the compliment! My family thinks they are the ugliest things they have ever seen! LOL!
    I also made a huge swan using the same material and techniques. I'll have to share some pics of it too one of these days.
    Have a great weekend!

  6. That horse is going to be great. All's set for Monday at noon. See you then. Mimi

  7. What a great idea for a memory rug!! Can't wait to see the end result!!

  8. Gayle ~ LOVE the colors in your horse rug background. Can't wait to see your new projects in progress!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!